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Jan 13 2005, 01:07 AM

I am looking to sell some new and used discs, mostly CE
01 CE rocs - 2new (1 x-out, no x-out stamp tho), 1 used,178,179,179
early run and late run CE new and used
other random stuff looking for cash sorry,i need the money, please make offers in message. pm me or email me at [emailprotected]

Jan 13 2005, 01:18 AM

Looking for mini star stamp glo big bead aviars, gotta be 175g. PM me


Jan 13 2005, 03:11 PM

selling my disc golf collection. $5000 gets you everything. serious people contact me for pictures of all of the discs. collection contains over 100 rocs. 60 san marino, 20 ontario and 20 ranchos.


Jan 13 2005, 07:39 PM

I got some things to sell.....I am trying to raise money to help pay for me to move out of my apartment....

165g 4th run CE Firebird FL(used) - $20
180g 9x KC Roc(used) - $20 <font color="red"> possibly sold </font>
???g QJLS(used) - $5 => This is a newer run of the QJLS
168g dx Beast(new) - $5
174g CFR Glo-Banshee(new) - $5 <font color="red"> sold </font>
172g S Illusion(field tested) - $5
???g 9x Banshee(used) - $5
174g Blue Flash(very used) - $5
175g X-Out Champ Beast(used) - $5
174g dx Gazelle(new) - $5 <font color="red"> possibly sold </font>
171g dx Aviar(storage wear new) - $5 <font color="red"> possibly sold </font>
175g dx Classic Roc(storage wear new) - $5 <font color="red"> possibly sold </font>
175g 11x KC Eagle(used) - $5 <font color="red"> possibly sold </font>
175g dx Beast(storage wear new) - $5 <font color="red"> possibly sold </font>
171g Fly-Dyed BS Beast(new) - $10
175g Opaque QJLS(new) - $10
???g Champ Firebird(used) - $5 <font color="red"> possibly sold </font>
179g 2005 CE Roc(new) - $25 <font color="red"> sold </font>
179g 2005 CE Roc(used) - $20 <font color="red"> sold </font>
174g Zpredator(looks field tested) - $5

There are others and I will list them later.
If you buy $20 worth of discs you will get free shipping. I prefer paypal to get paid for the discs. Please add 1 dollar for any order less than $30 and $2 for any order that totals more than $30

Later on I will be adding some firm and medium wizards and others.

Added a couple more things...

177g+ d Wasp(storage wear new) - $5
175g Pro Orc(new) - $8
175g Champ orc(used) - $5
175g Champ orc(used) - $5
170g ZFlick(first run used) - $5
175g CE Teebird TL(used) - $25
174g Opaque QJLS(used) - $5
171g Black XWasp(used) - $5

Remember spend more than 20 dollars and get free shipping. Use paypal and purchases under $20 add 3 dollars(shipping and paypal fees), between $20 and $30 add 1 dollar(paypal fees), and anything more than $30 add $2(paypal fees).


Jan 13 2005, 08:44 PM

I'm looking for a light Champion Valk. (160-165) and a lightweight sidewinder (155-160). Don't really have alot to trade, but can just pay for them.

Jan 13 2005, 11:47 PM

Anyone got a new or used (good condition) nice 9x Aviar (170+) for sale or for trade? Thanks!


Jan 14 2005, 01:28 AM


You got PM.


Jan 14 2005, 05:28 PM

I have a few used Rocs that I want to get rid of.
3 Ontarios and 4 San Marinos. They are all 176+ grams.

Let me know if you are interested and I will send you pictures. I prefer to sell them all to one person.

Jan 14 2005, 09:48 PM

Anyone want a 165 CE Aviar (2001 19th KCWO rainbow hotstamp, new in bag), a 176 Hero Discs Ontario Roc (little rainbow Hero hotstamp, almost new), or a 176 10x KC Pro Roc (red foil hotstamp with Home of the Champ overstamp, almost new)? Not really looking for anything in particular, maybe a starfire or used T CE Teebird or something... just wondering :D

Jan 14 2005, 10:19 PM

Also have a nice 174 10x KC Pro Aviar (white with flat black stamp, brand new with name in rim)...


Jan 14 2005, 11:13 PM

sure i will trade !! what else are you willing to trade for??

Jan 14 2005, 11:41 PM

what do you have to trade, I'm not reallylooking for anything in particular, (except for maybe a starfire or a used CE T Teebird), just wanting to trade some plastic... :D

Jan 14 2005, 11:42 PM

PM me


Jan 15 2005, 12:33 AM

here is a list of discs for sale or trade.Any reasonable offer will be considered.all discs are new ,never thrown!!
ce eagles 2-175 ,3-174
ce leopards 172 flat,171 domey
cfr-tl 174
cfr qls 3-175,1-174
proline gremlins 174,175
champ viking 171
kc cheetah 175
champ cobra ?
beasts bs 175,171,proline ?
monster champ 175, proline 175
eagles dx 175,champ 175 and ?,10x 168,11x174
q jls 172
q omega 171
wasps x 175,z 178,173
exp 167
xtra 170
buzz z 175
dx magnets 2 weight?
xs z 174
x2 174
flash 169
talon x ?
reaper elite 169
crush z 172,172,171,171
wildcat z 173,173,174,171

pm me if interested!!!!

Jan 15 2005, 12:35 AM

esalazar you got a pm


Jan 16 2005, 04:29 PM

here is a list of discs for sale or trade.Any reasonable offer will be considered.all discs are new ,never thrown!!
ce eagles 2-175 ,3-174
ce leopards 172 flat,171 domey
cfr-tl 174
cfr qls 3-175,1-174
proline gremlins 174,175
champ viking 171
kc cheetah 175
champ cobra ?
beasts bs 175,171,proline ?
monster champ 175, proline 175
eagles dx 175,champ 175 and ?,10x 168,11x174
q jls 172
q omega 171
wasps x 175,z 178,173
exp 167
xtra 170
buzz z 175
dx magnets 2 weight?
xs z 174
x2 174
flash 169
talon x ?
reaper elite 169
crush z 172,172,171,171
wildcat z 173,173,174,171

pm me if interested!!!!



Jan 16 2005, 04:43 PM

You have PM Esal.

Jan 17 2005, 01:57 AM

I have to trade:

1 8X Roc (VG condition, 180g) WANT 3 CE valks 170 or above
1 '04 CE roc (NEW)

Also looking for CE aviars, '03 CE rocs (big bird stamp), 9X aviars.

PM with questions.


Jan 17 2005, 02:54 AM

You want 3 CE Valks for an 8x Roc?

Jan 17 2005, 03:01 AM

Three? That does seem like a lot, I might give you one for it...

Jan 17 2005, 07:53 AM

Ok, Id settle for two CE Valks for the roc then....I musta been a "lil" tipsy when I made that post.


Jan 17 2005, 11:36 AM

Efrain, you have pm.


Jan 17 2005, 10:27 PM

i dont see the pm dan!!

Jan 17 2005, 11:58 PM

Ive got three discs I was wondering if any could help me put a value on or is interested in. First is a dx green with purple tye dye Polaris LS with a 360 degree communication WACO annual charity open 1996 1998 stamp at 175g. Second is a dx yelow EXP1 Millenium dis with rainbow stamp at 173g. And third is a dx white Banshee with a 2000 VPO stamp in red and blue at 169g. Ive been told the VPO might be valuable, but wanted to get a few more opinions. Anyone with any help?

Jan 18 2005, 12:06 AM

unless someone is in the market for one of those discs or stamps i would say those discs are only worth about 8-12 bucks apiece at most.

Jan 18 2005, 12:09 AM

Ill try this again...

I have 1 8X KC roc, 180g in VG condition, white, oil stamp but the stamp is a LITTLE rubbed off just from being in the bag. NO warps, serious dings, nicks, etc....

1 2004 CE roc, yellow, 180g, NEW, NEVER thrown.

Looking for CE VALKS, CE AVAIRS, 2003 CE ROC (big bird stamp)

Pm if interested.

Jan 18 2005, 10:41 AM

thanks for the reply.

Jan 18 2005, 10:53 AM

Efrain, check it again.


Jan 18 2005, 10:55 AM

got an email from you dan!!


Jan 18 2005, 11:54 AM

Distracted: What kind of EXP? What is the run number?If its a 1.6 or 1.7 I may be interested

Jan 18 2005, 12:18 PM

So who's got a new or slightly used 8x KC Pro Roc???
174 grams+ preferrably...

Jan 18 2005, 12:40 PM

Good question, it only has exp1 on front. How do you tell the differences?

Jan 18 2005, 12:50 PM

usually to the upper right of where it says exp, there would be a little number (i.e. 1.6, 1.7, etc.)...

Jan 18 2005, 12:52 PM

err... thats actually jls's, exps will have the number underneath the exp and millinium golf discs logo, a little to the right

Jan 18 2005, 01:05 PM

Not this one, it has the same stamp as ebay auction 7113749312, but without the number.

Jan 18 2005, 01:19 PM

i have one like that too, it has no number on it, but a nice dye job and the same stamp, can be too valuable though...
i got mine for 7.88 at Wal-Mart! :D


Jan 18 2005, 02:39 PM

The 1.6 and 1.7s are the CE EXPs, I beleive, and they arent worth much more than a regular , but are a little harder to find.Im not sure if they are pure CE or the KC/CE hybrid.I asked Dave, but havent heard back.

Jan 18 2005, 02:46 PM

Hey CR, did you not get the pic of the 8x roc I sent you ?
Or were you not interested ? Just wondering, I've got two 9x Rocs as well if anyone is interested. Will trade for CE Eagles


Jan 18 2005, 02:47 PM

I have some CE Eagles.What does the ROC weigh?

Jan 18 2005, 02:52 PM

I never got it, could you send it again?

Jan 18 2005, 04:05 PM

I have some CE Eagles.What does the ROC weigh?

I'm wanting to say 178 but I need to check

Jan 18 2005, 04:05 PM

I never got it, could you send it again?

I'll send some this week

Jan 18 2005, 04:08 PM

Thanks! I'll probably take it (work something out cash or trade). My e-mails been messed up lately, I have no idea how I didn't get those pics of the Roc before... :confused:


Jan 18 2005, 10:53 PM

I took some pictures of some of my CE Rocs. Anyone PM me if you want to take a look.


Jan 18 2005, 11:40 PM

here is a list of discs for sale or trade.Any reasonable offer will be considered.all discs are new ,never thrown!!
ce eagles 2-175 ,3-174 2 sold ,3 pending
ce leopards 172 flat,171 domey both sold
cfr-tl 174
cfr qls 3-175,1-174 1 sold ,1 maybe
proline gremlins 174,175
champ viking 171
kc cheetah 175
champ cobra ?
beasts bs 175,171,proline ? proline sold
monster champ 175, proline 175 proline sold
eagles dx 175,champ 175 and ?,10x 168,11x174
q jls 172
q omega 171
wasps x 175,z 178,173 1 pending
exp 167
xtra 170
buzz z 175
dx magnets 2 weight?
xs z 174
x2 174
flash 169
talon x ?
reaper elite 169
crush z 172,172,171,171
wildcat z 173,173,174,171

pm me if interested!!!!

Jan 19 2005, 03:29 AM

Anyone have a slightly used 01 CE Roc or an x-out or something somewhat affordable...
kid_roc, what about that 01 x-out you sent me the picture of?


Jan 19 2005, 11:49 AM

here is a list of discs for sale or trade.Any reasonable offer will be considered.all discs are new ,never thrown!!

ce leopard ,171 domey $20
cfr-tl 174 $15
cfr qls 1-175,1-174 $15
proline gremlins 174,175 $15
champ viking 171 $12
kc cheetah 175 $12
champ cobra ? $12
beasts bs 175,171, $12
monster champ 175, $12
eagles dx 175,champ 175 and ?,10x 168,11x174 $5,12,15,12
q jls 172 $12
q omega 171 $12
wasps x 175,178z ,173Z $8,12,12
exp 167 $10
xtra 170 $5
buzz z 175 $12
dx magnets 2 weight? $5
xs z 174 $12
x2 174 $5
z-flash 169 $12
talon x ? $8
reaper elite 169 $8
crush z 172,172,171,171 $12
wildcat z 173,173,174,171 $12

pm me if interested!!!!

this is a revised list , i listed some cash prices .I will bargain on multiple discs.. :D

Jan 20 2005, 01:23 AM

'04 CE Roc for trade, yellow/green 180g NEW, Six Star Stamp!!

Looking for 9X aviars or big bird stamp '03 CE roc.


Jan 20 2005, 03:06 PM

anyone have any quads for trade?


Jan 20 2005, 04:10 PM

I am ordering some...It will be a couple weeks before I get them


Jan 20 2005, 05:03 PM

Always looking for 10x Tbirds and Proline Firebirds. PM me if you got them...


Jan 21 2005, 02:09 PM

Is anyone interested in purchasing a used Innova tour bag(black) w/ green quad shocks. The bag is in good condition as well as the quads. Please PM me with offer or more details if needed. THX #21614


Jan 21 2005, 04:27 PM

will you sell the quads alone if so how much or trade

Jan 21 2005, 04:30 PM

esalazr, I might trade you some quads for something... ic ould throw the in when i ship the aviar they are black and have been worn for one season... they're in pretty good shape, pm me


Jan 21 2005, 05:22 PM

Would rather get rid of all of it at the same time. FAREWELL DISC GOLF.


Jan 21 2005, 06:45 PM

what?? why is this?


Jan 21 2005, 06:57 PM

does anyone have a box of discs (used. dx, etc..) that they would be willing to sell for cheap? i'd like to get a lil stockpile for my school club


Jan 21 2005, 07:01 PM

I do, I do! :D


Jan 21 2005, 07:20 PM

I'm looking for blue "speckled/flaked" Tsunamis willing to trade or pay ca$h money. PM me thanks ROG


Jan 21 2005, 08:05 PM

check your pm mr roc

Jan 21 2005, 08:06 PM

I was trying to clear the closet out. I would prefer cash/ paypal.

I will take offers around $10 for the Dicscraft.

Innova 2001 CE Roc 179g. Blue foil stamp. Thrown less than 25x very good condition. Large T written on top and bottom.

Innova 9x KC Pro Gazelle 172g Yellow in Color. Brand new never been thrown.

Innova 11x KC Pro TeeBird 164g.Marbled Orange Color Brand new never been thrown.

Discraft Flash Elite z 174g. See through yellow with �04 DGLO Stamp. Thrown a couple of times.

Discraft Buzz Elite x 177g+. Jbird Dye Purple/ Red on white disc. Brand New.

Discraft Flick First Run z class150g. See through orange. Brand new never been thrown.

Discraft Challenger Elite x 174g. Bright yellow. Brand new never been thrown.

Discraft Storm First Run. Metallic Silver in color. Brand new never been thrown.

3 old Discraft x clone tie dye I don�t know if anyone like these things.



Jan 21 2005, 09:22 PM

would it be better if I included my discs in the bag as part of the deal.I will get a list, but its not to long.


Jan 21 2005, 10:46 PM

here is a list of discs for sale or trade.Any reasonable offer will be considered.all discs are new ,never thrown!!

ce leopard ,171 domey $20
cfr-tl 174 $15
cfr qls 1-175,1-174 $15
proline gremlins 174,175 $15
champ viking 171 $10
kc cheetah 175 $10
champ cobra ? $10 beasts bs 175,171, $10
monster champ 175, $10
eagles dx 175,champ 175 and ?,10x 168,11x174 $5,10,15,10
q jls 172 $12
q omega 171 $12
wasps x 175,178z ,173Z $8,10
exp 167 $10
xtra 170 $5
buzz z 175 $10
dx magnets 2 weight? $5
xs z 174 $10
x2 174 $5
z-flash 169 $10
talon x ? $8
reaper elite 169 $8
crush z 172,172,171,171 $10
wildcat z 173,173,174,171 $10

pm me if interested!!!!

this is a revised list , i listed some cash prices .I will bargain on multiple discs.. :D


Jan 22 2005, 11:43 AM

Im looking for fusion tanks in the 173+ range... cash or trade.


Jan 22 2005, 04:00 PM

Do any of you out there have any candy "E" Spirits. I think most were green or blue with 1st run stamps, star stamps, or Grateful Disc. I don't have much to trade, but would pay cash!

Jan 22 2005, 05:23 PM

lol. everyone i know who throws gateway wants those discs. .


Jan 22 2005, 05:29 PM

What do they do with them? The one I had seemed very overstable...

Jan 22 2005, 05:52 PM

168g CE Valk used, still in great shape
Looking for 166-8g orcs, preferably white.
Let me know


Jan 22 2005, 07:32 PM

You may want to try some of the texas threads for the 1st run spirits.
I know we sent about 200 down to the 2 gdstour events in San antonio and san Angelo

Jan 23 2005, 01:12 AM

For sale:
1 tall birdie pink 169g (10.00)
1 black cyclone(old school) 174g (15.00)
1 CE Classic Roc RADL stamp 174g (20.00)
1 CE Classic Roc RADL stamp 170g (20.00)
1 First Run Elite XL blue/green 173g (15.00)
1 First Run CE T Bird red 175g (90.00)
1 9x KC Pro Eagle 174g rare non-ring stamp (20.00)
1 Tachyon Viper red 172g (15.00)
1 SE Gazelle white 175g (20.00)
1 10x KC Eagle bronze 175g (20.00)
1 Star stamped CE Spider ?g (25.00)
1 Timmy Gill MRX 1 of 50 1995 Am Champ 168g (15.00)
Serious inquiries only.


Jan 23 2005, 01:51 PM

DDH, I got one and can get another I think. One is a tye dyed doulble stamp and has a poppy top.The other is a little used but in that plastic youd never know.I can also get one thats pretty inked up, but in excellent condition.These are Super early runs,the dented tops.


Jan 23 2005, 02:09 PM

DDH, I got one and can get another I think. One is a tye dyed doulble stamp and has a poppy top.The other is a little used but in that plastic youd never know.I can also get one thats pretty inked up, but in excellent condition.These are Super early runs,the dented tops.

That'd be cool.


Jan 23 2005, 02:13 PM

You may want to try some of the texas threads for the 1st run spirits.
I know we sent about 200 down to the 2 gdstour events in San antonio and san Angelo

I used to be HOOKED on these things, but now that you've run more "H" Illusions, I just wanted a few for backups. "H" Illusions are pretty straight brand new, so I'm going to throw those more often now.

Jan 24 2005, 03:16 AM

anyone got a new or slightly used Champion Edition Teebird T for sale/trade???

Jan 24 2005, 10:41 AM

I'm looking for some of the older "Pro Line" Leopards 173+.
Thanks for any help,


Jan 24 2005, 05:23 PM

anyone have any ce spiders for trade!

Jan 24 2005, 05:34 PM

sorry just sold it...


Jan 24 2005, 05:34 PM

you've got a pm oh, and they're around light 170;s clear, not opaque

Jan 24 2005, 07:21 PM

Are you looking for the older pro-line spiders or the new clear Chap. Spiders?


Jan 24 2005, 08:07 PM

champion edition (ce) spiders i have a list of discs on the previous page that are up for trade. or something else can be worked out.thanx!!

Jan 25 2005, 01:12 PM

Oh, btw, the 1st run red Tbird is a TL.

Jan 25 2005, 06:08 PM

I have 167g CE Valk First run ,Very good shape with no name on it .I am looking for a Ce spider.Anybody Interested. :D


Jan 25 2005, 06:14 PM

you've got a pm...

Jan 25 2005, 09:25 PM

Looking for 10X KC eagles, have stuff to trade, PM


Jan 25 2005, 10:38 PM

here is a list of discs for sale or trade.Any reasonable offer will be considered.all discs are new ,never thrown!!

ce leopard ,171 domey $20
cfr-tl 174 $15
cfr qls 1-175,1-174 $15
proline gremlins 174,175 $15
champ viking 171 $10
kc cheetah 175 $10
champ cobra ? $10 beasts bs 175,171, $10
monster champ 175, $10
eagles dx 175,champ 175 and ?,10x 168,11x174 $5,10,15,10
q jls 172 $12
q omega 171 $12
wasps x 175,178z ,173Z $8,10
exp 167 $10
xtra 170 $5
buzz z 175 $10
dx magnets 2 weight? $5
xs z 174 $10
x2 174 $5
z-flash 169 $10
talon x ? $8
reaper elite 169 $8
crush z 172,172,171,171 $10
wildcat z 173,173,174,171 $10

pm me if interested!!!!

this is a revised list , i listed some cash prices .I will bargain on multiple discs.. :D


Jan 26 2005, 10:48 PM

about to list 300 discs. 100 rocs. 50 san marino's a bunch of ontarios. PM me if you are interested in anything in particular.


Jan 27 2005, 09:34 PM

Some real nice CE stuff ending on ebay in the next half hour. see link above

Jan 28 2005, 05:51 PM

Hey Steve, I might have a couple let me look and I will get back with you.

Jan 28 2005, 05:55 PM

anyone got a new or slightly used Champion Edition Teebird T for sale/trade???

I got one that is fairly used and one is barely used. I will sell or trade fairly for 10x rocs

Jan 28 2005, 06:36 PM

getting one tommorrow at ice bowl, thanks though! :)


Jan 29 2005, 03:05 AM

I have ce spiders 1st run


Jan 31 2005, 12:10 AM

I'm looking for blue "speckled/flaked" Tsunamis willing to trade or pay ca$h money. PM me thanks ROG

Anybody? thanks ROG


Jan 31 2005, 10:50 AM


I have three blue ones, slightly used, and three red ones, slightly used. PM me.. we'll work something out again...



Jan 31 2005, 12:09 PM

I thought you were keeping those :eek:


Jan 31 2005, 12:23 PM

I was willing to give them up to you pimp! I decided that I like the feel of X preds better!



Jan 31 2005, 02:08 PM

Then you said after you threw them that you wanted to keep them. I would love to have them at our original deal :D

Jan 31 2005, 02:34 PM

I have a purplish *gummy* 158g Star stamped 1st run Sidewinder for trade. This is not just a soft champion disc, it is made in the gummy plastic.

Also have a signed Ron Russell X-Comet from one of his clinics.

Trades or cash.


Jan 31 2005, 08:56 PM

Tonight starting at 10:00 pm eastern time on Ebay

2001 clear CE ROC with the Zonedriven ghost stamp. This may be your only chance to get one.

Feb 01 2005, 12:32 AM

How heavy is your Comet? I'm interested.


Feb 01 2005, 01:08 AM

I'm looking for SE Special Edition soft rhynos max weight, preferrably Ontario CA but I can't be too picky, any legal condition, put a torn thru the middle of mine at an ICE BOWL this weekend, oooouuuucccchhh!



Feb 01 2005, 01:48 AM

I have two teebird tl's one red 174(1st run?) dimples in rim and stamp is about gone but good throwing condition and one yellow 172 stamp mostly gone but clean structurally. Also two t's kind of ugly but no structural damage, would need to check weights but I believe both are 170+. Would be looking for fx or other firebirds or proline monsters in throwing not wall condition. Also have a couple of nice ce valks. All disks have ink.


Feb 01 2005, 11:54 AM

I have one, but it is a little bit used.

would be willing to trade.


Feb 01 2005, 03:08 PM

I have a few, let me know. BTW, all rhyno's are Ontario.


Feb 01 2005, 05:43 PM

I have a New Discatcher Traveler for sale only 130.00 which includes shipping. This portable basket only weights 12 pounds :D

Feb 01 2005, 06:00 PM

Dave...check your pm


Feb 01 2005, 06:02 PM

I have a few, let me know. BTW, all rhyno's are Ontario.

As I sit here with a stack of Rancho SE soft Rhynos....wonder what these are worth?? :D


Feb 01 2005, 06:08 PM

Travis....... you have PM :D

Feb 01 2005, 07:24 PM

I have a few, let me know. BTW, all rhyno's are Ontario.

As I sit here with a stack of Rancho SE soft Rhynos....wonder what these are worth?? :D

I'll give you a dollar for the lot. :DEither that or trade you my stack for that clear '01 CE Roc. :D

Feb 01 2005, 08:45 PM

i know that this is not a disc but i got a sony cyber shot camera for sale dsc-t1 5 =meg 2.5 lcd monitor (brand new in a box) PM me if you are intrested

Feb 01 2005, 11:47 PM

ALERT! Roc needs cash now! WHo wants a 2005 PDGA 1 of 1000 Roc from the USDGC (Red with Chrome hotstamp)!! PM me!

Feb 02 2005, 12:42 AM


Feb 02 2005, 01:23 AM

I have alot of ce valks if anyone is interested in trading (pretty much only need, 8x,9x,and 10x rocs) or cash i have tons of 2nd run and a few other runs including first pm me or email me at [emailprotected] thanks!


Feb 02 2005, 11:35 AM

Never seen them. Any change? I wonder when they came out as every Rhyno I have is Ontario.

Feb 02 2005, 04:47 PM

Trader beware! Watch out for Norcal! Shifty as a clubfoot duck! Myself and others have been scammed by him. Lookout!


Feb 02 2005, 05:11 PM

What did he do?


Feb 02 2005, 05:22 PM

Trader beware! Watch out for Norcal! Shifty as a clubfoot duck! Myself and others have been scammed by him. Lookout!

please elaborate!! :confused:

Feb 02 2005, 05:35 PM

Thanks, I'm guessing you never got your disc or the condition of them were less than favorable

Feb 02 2005, 05:37 PM

He sent me x-outs with no mention that they were. And they were horrible x-outs that should have been shredded. He said he thought all 1st run T-birds were x-outs since that was all he had seen. Complete rubbish! I paid to ship them back to him just to end that transaction and wipe my hands of this character. I know of another person who trades a lot on ebay that he ripped off. I don't have the details and that's up to him if he would like to elaborate. But, when I mentioned Norcal's name to him he related a similar story. Just giving a heads up. If you want to deal with him, make sure you ask lots of questions.

Feb 02 2005, 07:01 PM

i do remember that trade and apoligized profusely and he never sent me my discs (rightly so) and i had thought that this was behind us, there was nothing shifty after i had realized my mistake i had apoligized and you sent the discs back i remember asking you if you wanted to make a new trade or even a refund for shipping. I did not try to screw you and do not appreciate being called shifty and not a good trader, I do not know who else you are talking about and if you have a problem with me than please talk to me first and not on a message board, also i have had many succesful trades and have even been mentioned in the good traders forum. Plese tell me who else i was "Shifty" with, anybody else who has traded with me has been completely satisfied and i am still sorry about what happened, i hope you dont feel that you got screwed still.

Feb 02 2005, 10:09 PM

I have a 168 CE Valkyrie, slightly used, lots of life left.
Looking for 10X rocs, aviars.

Feb 03 2005, 12:42 AM

I don't know about all that...

I've purchased and traded a disc with norcalgolf2005 and got a great deal on an 01 CE USDGC Roc for a good price. I also traded him for a 10x Teebird which was actually in much better shape then he described. He even payed the extra to have them sent via UPS with tracking...
This was just a week or two ago also...

Seems like a great trader/seller to me! :)

You probably also should have taken it up with him via a PM instead of slandering him on the message board... would be the polite thing to do. As would only speaking of your experience with him and not for others. It also seems like your situation was an honest mistake. imo

Just my 2 cents


Feb 03 2005, 11:03 AM

We havent done any trading yet, cause Im poor, but he has been very open and discriptive in the PMs he sent me. I have no worries.

Feb 03 2005, 02:17 PM

Trader beware! Watch out for Norcal! Shifty as a clubfoot duck! Myself and others have been scammed by him. Lookout!



Feb 03 2005, 03:41 PM

I've got the following for sale:
'04 Worlds Starfire(173g) = looking for $20
'04 Worlds CryZtal Challengers(3) = $15 per disc
'04 Worlds Cryztal Z-Buzzz = $20
'04 Worlds Super Roc = $13
'04 Worlds Champion TL = $20

And a few Gateway discs too...mainly elements, element-x's, and wizards...PM me for details on these.

PM me if you are interested in any of these...we can discuss shipping and handling later ;)

Feb 04 2005, 07:50 PM

Got a few discs to get rid of:

179 8x KC Pro Roc, White w. Green Stamp, used, few nicks and scratches, structually fine, flies like new, my name on inside rim - $25
170 8X KC Pro Roc, White w. Black Stamp, used, few nicks and scratches, slightly beaten, my name on inside rim - $25

175 2nd Run CE Valkyrie, Yellow with blue and gold stamp, stamp slightly worn, totally flat with nipple in middle, very good condition, flies like brand new, faded name on back - $25

175 10x KC Pro Teebird, Very cool dye job with rainbow stamp, hybrid plastic, thrown a couple times, basically new, name on inside rim - $20

174 2004 USDGC Roc, Orange with silver Winthrop Hole #5 Hotstamp, thrown a couple times, basically new, name on inside rim - $25

175 2004 PDGA Worlds CryZtal Z Buzz, clear of course with Worlds Hotstamp, thrown once, basically new - $15

PM me if interested in anything


Feb 04 2005, 09:42 PM

Got a few discs to get rid of:

179 8x KC Pro Roc, White w. Green Stamp, used, few nicks and scratches, structually fine, flies like new, my name on inside rim - $25 PROBABLY SOLD
170 8X KC Pro Roc, White w. Black Stamp, used, few nicks and scratches, slightly beaten, my name on inside rim - $25 SOLD

175 2nd Run CE Valkyrie, Yellow with blue and gold stamp, stamp slightly worn, totally flat with nipple in middle, very good condition, flies like brand new, faded name on back - $25

175 10x KC Pro Teebird, Very cool dye job with rainbow stamp, hybrid plastic, thrown a couple times, basically new, name on inside rim - $20 PROBABLY SOLD

174 2004 USDGC Roc, Orange with silver Winthrop Hole #5 Hotstamp, thrown a couple times, basically new, name on inside rim - $25

175 2004 PDGA Worlds CryZtal Z Buzz, clear of course with Worlds Hotstamp, thrown once, basically new - $15

PM me if interested in anything



Feb 04 2005, 09:57 PM

Hey CR you got PM! :D

Feb 05 2005, 01:40 PM

Got a few discs to get rid of:

179 8x KC Pro Roc, White w. Green Stamp, used, few nicks and scratches, structually fine, flies like new, my name on inside rim - $25 PROBABLY SOLD
170 8X KC Pro Roc, White w. Black Stamp, used, few nicks and scratches, slightly beaten, my name on inside rim - $25 SOLD

175 2nd Run CE Valkyrie, Yellow with blue and gold stamp, stamp slightly worn, totally flat with nipple in middle, very good condition, flies like brand new, faded name on back - $25 - POSSIBLY SOLD

175 10x KC Pro Teebird, Very cool dye job with rainbow stamp, hybrid plastic, thrown a couple times, basically new, name on inside rim - $20 PROBABLY SOLD

174 2004 USDGC Roc, Orange with silver Winthrop Hole #5 Hotstamp, thrown a couple times, basically new, name on inside rim - $25

175 2004 PDGA Worlds CryZtal Z Buzz, clear of course with Worlds Hotstamp, thrown once, basically new - $15

PM me if interested in anything


Feb 05 2005, 04:46 PM

Got a few discs to get rid of:

179 8x KC Pro Roc, White w. Green Stamp, used, few nicks and scratches, structually fine, flies like new, my name on inside rim - $25 SOLD
170 8X KC Pro Roc, White w. Black Stamp, used, few nicks and scratches, slightly beaten, my name on inside rim - $25 SOLD

175 2nd Run CE Valkyrie, Yellow with blue and gold stamp, stamp slightly worn, totally flat with nipple in middle, very good condition, flies like brand new, faded name on back - $25

175 10x KC Pro Teebird, Very cool dye job with rainbow stamp, hybrid plastic, thrown a couple times, basically new, name on inside rim - $20

174 2004 USDGC Roc, Orange with silver Winthrop Hole #5 Hotstamp, thrown a couple times, basically new, name on inside rim - $25

175 2004 PDGA Worlds CryZtal Z Buzz, clear of course with Worlds Hotstamp, thrown once, basically new - $15

PM me if interested in anything


Everything would be 5 dollars shipping for usps priority mail

Luke Butch

Feb 05 2005, 07:19 PM

Looking for Z- XS 173-174. New or slightly used only. Any color but white or clear. Thanks.

Feb 05 2005, 09:27 PM

Got a few discs to get rid of:

179 8x KC Pro Roc SOLD
170 8X KC Pro Roc SOLD

175 2nd Run CE Valkyrie SOLD

175 10x KC Pro Teebird SOLD

174 2004 USDGC Roc, Orange with silver Winthrop Hole #5 Hotstamp, thrown a couple times, looks and throws like new, name on inside rim - $25

175 2004 PDGA Worlds CryZtal Z Buzz, clear of course with Worlds Hotstamp, thrown once - $15

PM me if interested in anything

Everything would be 5 dollars shipping for usps priority mail

Feb 06 2005, 01:52 AM

What's the going rate on an orange 8x roc 179g?


Feb 06 2005, 09:31 AM

an orange 8x Roc?

I never have seen one...

Feb 06 2005, 12:29 PM

Kid roc has one as an avatar.

Feb 06 2005, 02:07 PM

A lot, I saw one on E-Bay Buy-It-Now for 130, so I guess they'd be worth around 100


Feb 06 2005, 03:24 PM

What's the going rate on an orange 8x roc 179g?


I have a brand new max weight one! :D That orange makes it really qrippy.


Feb 06 2005, 08:21 PM


175 gram Champion Edition Firebird F mold the yellow/green plastic run. $45 shipped.

161 Gram Champion Edition Firebird FX Mold clear translucent no pigment. $75 shipped.

thats it for now. PM me if interested


Feb 07 2005, 02:12 PM

I'm sorry, but no piece of plastic is worth over $20.00 to me.


Feb 07 2005, 02:32 PM

why are you sharing that?


Feb 07 2005, 02:51 PM

I'm sorry, but no piece of plastic is worth over $20.00 to me.

you have any ce rocs you want to get rid of!!

Feb 07 2005, 03:01 PM

Have a couple for sale/trade...

174 2004 USDGC Roc, Orange with silver Winthrop Hole #5 Hotstamp, thrown a couple times, basically new, name on inside rim - $25

175 2004 PDGA Worlds CryZtal Z Buzz, clear of course with Worlds Hotstamp, thrown once, basically new - $15

Looking for a Starfire/used CE Teedbird T for trade...

PM me if interested in anything


Feb 07 2005, 04:36 PM

Looking for a couple of 3x JK aviars ,and heavy CE FXs .I have two ce valks in the 173,4 range Second runs .


Feb 07 2005, 04:43 PM

looking for last run CE Firebirds - F, somewhat transluscent, 174-175. have 10X rocs and aviars, couple ce valks, and some other rocs and discs. let me know


Feb 07 2005, 05:56 PM

I know, everyone wants one! IF someone has one they want to sell, and knows their price, pm me. I really don't want to do the E-bay thing, but would pay a fair price. We could also trade some plastic to sweeten the deal!


Feb 07 2005, 07:57 PM

Billy, you have a PM

Dont you hate it when people post that? Like they are not gonna see the flashing envelope at the top of the screen! Geesh! :p

Paul Taylor

Feb 07 2005, 08:36 PM

I am looking for a CE JLS test run of 2000. I prefer the weight to be as close to 170 or less. New or used.

Feb 07 2005, 09:02 PM

I have one ce firebird (last run), 175, white translucent w/solid blue stamp, used but still in good shape.
I would like a ce valk 175or74


Feb 07 2005, 09:42 PM

Your name is too close to mine!!

Feb 07 2005, 10:37 PM

For sale or trade:
Champion Sidewinder 174g red
1st Rund Champ. sidewinder(star stamp) orange 168g
Santa Sidewinder red 169g
Champ. Viking red 174g
1st run Pro Aviar white 175g
Champ. Stingray 176g yellow

All discs in 9.999 condition


Feb 08 2005, 12:40 PM

Looking for CE Firebird FX�s at least 170 grams or heavier.
Might consider a 2nd run flat top CE Valk.

Here is what I have:

175 Starfire- yellow w/ Texas Teams stamp-new

175 CE Glow Banshee with the ZT10 stamp � new

162 Champion Gummy Beast � green, tagged, used, excellent condition

172 Pro Line Beast- Pearlescent white- tagged, used excellent condition

171 Pro Line Beast �Pearlescent white � new

172 CE Firebird 'F' � very small tag- blue- excellent condition

173 Champion Viking- Pearlescent yellow- tagged- excellent condition

All �new� discs are unthrown (to my knowledge)
Pictures available upon request (I�ll have to take them, so serious inquiries only please)


Feb 08 2005, 09:10 PM

Just wanted to help find the right page...

Feb 08 2005, 10:47 PM

What the hell is up with the board?

I'm looking for someone with the username CUTT or something like that. We worked out a deal for a disc and I lost your address cause all of PM's were missing after the board went down. If anyone else knows who this is either, pm me and let know, so that I can get them their disc. Thanks! :)


Feb 09 2005, 12:38 AM


Feb 10 2005, 10:33 PM

looking for white ce lep's pm me if you got any

Feb 11 2005, 12:05 AM

the 2001 clear ce roc went for 530$

Feb 11 2005, 01:21 AM

530??? Wow!


Feb 11 2005, 01:44 AM

I figured at least 500$.

Feb 11 2005, 01:50 AM

I thought maybe like twice what an 01 goes for, so like 400-450...

530 will pay off in a few years when it'll be worth who knows how much! :D


Feb 11 2005, 03:15 PM

I have put up a list of discs for sale to try and raise money for hosting fees and to pay the bills.

the list can be found here:


Feb 11 2005, 04:55 PM

hey kc fans, i just ran accross an unthrown 9x kc pro eagle (red w/ yellow stamp) 172g

interested? pm me with offers.

Feb 12 2005, 12:42 AM

Looking for a nw/used:
Chamion Edition Teebird T
11x KC Pro Teebird (pearlescent ones)
10x KC Pro Teebird (hybrid plastic/notdyed)
all in 169+ weight, prefer 169-172


167-172 Champion Orc first run
167-172 night shift orc

PM me if you have one of these to get rid of

Thanks! :D


Feb 12 2005, 02:05 AM

Still got that CE T for you if you are still interested. Let me know. Let me know cause we can hook up in Osky for it if you want.



Feb 12 2005, 10:16 PM

Looking for CE Teebirds T or TL mold and CE Firebirds. Also, looking for somewhat used, unused, or mint 02 USDGC ROC.

If possible, I've heard of CE Rhynos and CE Aeros me with any info on getting my hands on some.

I've got cash and discs to trade.

Feb 12 2005, 10:59 PM

i deleted this post cause

Feb 13 2005, 04:31 AM

I've got a new purple 175g champion viking that I'm looking to get rid of. I would like to trade for a new 170-172g champion firebird if anyone has one. if not I would be willing to just sell the viking pm me with offers or e-mail me at [emailprotected]

Feb 14 2005, 03:19 AM

Selling/Trading unthrown white max weight DX Innova Ram. PM for details.


Feb 14 2005, 02:18 PM last check...does anyone have any candy "E" Spirits. They are translucent and light passes through them when held up to a light source. Heres a picture of one:
(Most are green or blue and have double stamps, Grateful Disc stamps, or the stamp shown.)


<font color="red"> NOT </font>

Feb 14 2005, 02:20 PM

I have one that looks like that middle picture that I got from the gdstour last year. I think they told us they were x-outs though.


Feb 14 2005, 02:42 PM

I have one that looks like that middle picture that I got from the gdstour last year. I think they told us they were x-outs though.

Most of the double stamps are, but fly just fine. If you wanna trade/sell it, let me know and we can work something out.

Feb 14 2005, 03:19 PM

Yah, those are the ones made out of the "CE-like" plastic. I have a GDS Tour Spirit Xout also...


Feb 14 2005, 03:57 PM

Yah, those are the ones made out of the "CE-like" plastic. I have a GDS Tour Spirit Xout also...

I'd like to take yours off your hands as well if you're game.


Feb 14 2005, 04:47 PM

I got 1, maybe 2 and can maybe get 2 more.

Rodney Gilmore

Feb 14 2005, 09:25 PM

Chris, I've had one just like the top one for you for over a week now, you just never got back up with me. It's a 175 brand new. You can have it for either a 177 or so Element X or a heavy E Element. PM me and we'll work it out.


Feb 14 2005, 10:38 PM

Hey The Truth, have you tried the early run pro line leopards? They came in white and are very similiar to one of the runs of ce leopards. Murf


Feb 15 2005, 09:59 AM

As a fan of GD and JGB, I'm looking for a Jerry Roc.. Saw one on e-bay but don't want to lose my shirt to own one. PM me if you want to sell one or trade something for one... any weight is fine.

Karma Police

Feb 15 2005, 10:10 AM

Check out sunkingdiscs. They will have some starting the 18th I believe. For $14.99

Feb 15 2005, 11:31 AM

The White CE Leopards are stable as hell. I can throw big gaping hyzers with mine and flipping it is almost out of the question...

Very weird seeing as tho my orange, and red CE Leopards turn like a dream.


Feb 15 2005, 02:51 PM

My white CE Leopards are understable.


Feb 15 2005, 03:28 PM

any one have any ce valks or firebirds at reasonable prices or trade. pm me what you have and how much you want. i will buy quantity if the price is right!! thanx!!

Feb 15 2005, 03:59 PM

all the white CE Leopard I have thrown have been understable as well...


Feb 15 2005, 05:14 PM

have new 172 orange, 173 purple, and 175 blue cfr TLs for sale/trade. also 9/10 yellow 170. would do all 4 for 50$, or trade for purple dx tees or blue dx beasts.


Feb 15 2005, 11:08 PM

i am looking for "ce" elements, the clear evolution plastic. also looking for e wizards. preferably both in the 170's but i'm not super picky. if anyone has either, let me know, and i'll let you know what i have to trade; some innova dx stuff, a couple champion discs, a few x-challengers and a bunch of gateway stuff, plus some bags too...


Feb 16 2005, 06:24 PM

okay, i'm still looking for "ce" elements and e wizards
here is a list of what i have, let me know if you are interested in anything here...

Gateway discs
demon s 157 7/10 � used
demon s 175 10/10 - new
speed demon h 10/10 - new
sabre s 175 7/10 � used
sabre s 170 7/10 � used
sabre s 176 10/10 - new
sabre/apache h 168 9/10 � marked/unthrown
sabre e 169 9/10 � marked/unthrown
sabre e 169 8/10 � marked/thrown
sabre e 166 10/10 � new
blaze s 171 10/10 � new
blaze s 171 10/10 � new
spirit s 157 8/10 � marked/thrown
spirit s 170 10/10 � new
spirit h 168 8/10 � marked/thrown
illusion s 171 10/10 � new
illusion s 169 8/10 � marked/thrown
element s 171 8/10 � marked/thrown
element s/glow 168 10/10 � new
element s/glow 168 10/10 � new
element s/glow 167 10/10 - new
element s 178 10/10 � new

Innova discs
roc dx 176 8/10 � marked/thrown
roc dx 170 7/10 � used
shark dx 146 7/10 � used
shark dx 147 6/10 � used
stingray dx 177 7/10 � used
eagle dx 168 10/10 � new
eagle dx 175 7/10 � used
aviar dx/glow 169 10/10 � new
aviar dx 148 5/10 � used
aviar dx 162 6/10 � used
aviar dx 148 7/10 � used
aviar dx ? 4/10 - beat
orc champ 169 9/10 � unmarked/thrown
valkyrie champ 171 10/10 � new
valkyrie dx 174 6/10 � used
millennium jls 1.1 dx 171 8/10 � used

Discraft discs
xpress z 175 8/10 � used
predator z +170 8/10 � used
wildcat x 172 8/10 � used
mrv x 168 10/10 � new
challenger d 165 10/10 � new
challenger x 168 10/10 � new

86 softie 175 8/10 � marked/thrown
lightning #1 driver 174 7/10 � used

Innova medium bag � holds 8-10 discs � brand new
Unknown brand small bag � holds 5-8 discs � brand new
Lightning large bag � holds 15+ discs � brand new


Feb 17 2005, 01:30 PM

any one interesed in a first run CE Teebird TL 175, if so send me a PM.

Feb 17 2005, 02:38 PM

Anyone looking for proto wizards? I have a stack of them.


Feb 17 2005, 11:03 PM

sold 1 tl, have 3 left. blue 175, orange 173, both new, and 171 yellow 9/10. all 3 for 30$, i got the shipping

Feb 17 2005, 11:09 PM

are these CE TLs or CFR TLs? I'd be interested in a CE one...

Feb 17 2005, 11:10 PM

... nevermind, must have skipped over the all 3 for 30 with shipping... couldn't be CE ones, but then again, thats a way cheap price for any TL :)


Feb 17 2005, 11:23 PM


Feb 18 2005, 04:43 AM

Looking for a blue night shift orc.....

I have lots of good used and new CE...

Holla at a player

Feb 18 2005, 04:49 AM

I've also got some discs for trade or sale:

Signed Ron Russell X Comet 177g

159 Gummy plastic Sidewinder (First run star stamp)


The GDS Tour E blend Spirits (hard CE-like plastic)

'02 USDGC Orange ROC (mint 180g)

Gummy Orcs


Feb 18 2005, 05:18 AM

Are you selling the proto wizards or trading? What colors/weights do you have?


Feb 18 2005, 09:33 AM

here is a list of disc for sale
21 2004 ce roc $50
2 2003 ce roc $65
10 11x avair $10
5 10x avair $12
13 10x roc $45
4 used ce valk $35
1 new ce valk $65 final opaque
looking for any jordan stamped disc
and 40 2005 ce roc $45

Feb 18 2005, 01:32 PM

Selling for $12.00 or trade for Z/CPL discs. They are all new/unthrown. I have pretty much all of the colors and weights are 170-175. I have about 20.PM specific weights/colors if interested. If you want to trade, I'll swap postage for postage, otherwise it's $3.85 s/h per discs. Rates go down with multiple discs.


Feb 18 2005, 02:14 PM

here is a list of disc for sale
21 2004 ce roc $50
2 2003 ce roc $65
10 11x avair $10
5 10x avair $12
13 10x roc $45
4 used ce valk $35
1 new ce valk $65 final opaque
looking for any jordan stamped disc
and 40 2005 ce roc $45

Is that quantities besides each disc? Good luck trying to sell your 2005 rocs for $45 each.


Feb 18 2005, 02:31 PM

$45 already.....good luck. sunkingdiscs has them for sale at $35. $45 in a year maybe...but only if ya got the rare ones


Feb 18 2005, 02:32 PM

Ill throw this out there and see what can happen.

WOuld love to trade 1 of my 2005 clear ce rocs for any other year clear ce roc. collectors step up.


Feb 18 2005, 03:02 PM

**** it !! i had those in my cart !! ready to check out and crash!! lol


Feb 18 2005, 03:11 PM

45$ for a 2005 ce roc! wow! amazing considering you can still buy one for 20-30$ at zonedriven right now...unless of course they are all clears.....


Feb 18 2005, 03:12 PM

the usdgc stamp might be worth about 40-45 right now.


Feb 18 2005, 03:28 PM

I have a number of discs I'm interested in trading and/or selling. Anyone interested - please PM me and we'll see what we can work out.
Several Glow CFR Eagles from the 2003 Seneca Soiree (mostly 174)
Several CFR TL Teebirds from 2003 Seneca Soiree (Various weights)
First Run CE Teebirds TL (I have about 25 of these in various weights)
First Run CE Eagles both white and Red also in varying weights.
First Run CE Valks (blueberry) high 160's I think I only have one or two of these
First Run Comet - near max weight blue
First Run DX Eagles - many colors
Lot's of nice Super puppies......................

and much much more


Feb 18 2005, 03:34 PM

craig, PM

Feb 18 2005, 03:41 PM

here is a list of disc for sale
21 2004 ce roc $50
2 2003 ce roc $65
10 11x avair $10
5 10x avair $12
13 10x roc $45
4 used ce valk $35
1 new ce valk $65 final opaque
looking for any jordan stamped disc
and 40 2005 ce roc $45

Is that quantities besides each disc? Good luck trying to sell your 2005 rocs for $45 each.

and 45 for a 10x Roc??? and 65 for an 03??? and 50 for an 04??? Are you even serious? You can get all of these off of E-Bay for almost half of those numbers! I thought people on this board usually hooked people up... like the PDGA brotherly thing to do... I know everything I have traded or sold has been way below e-bay value... and everyone who has traded or sold me anything has hooked it up also... just a thought man. :confused:


Feb 18 2005, 03:46 PM

here is a list of disc for sale
21 2004 ce roc $50
2 2003 ce roc $65
10 11x avair $10
5 10x avair $12
13 10x roc $45
4 used ce valk $35
1 new ce valk $65 final opaque
looking for any jordan stamped disc
and 40 2005 ce roc $45

Is that quantities besides each disc? Good luck trying to sell your 2005 rocs for $45 each.

and 45 for a 10x Roc??? and 65 for an 03??? and 50 for an 04??? Are you even serious? You can get all of these off of E-Bay for almost half of those numbers! I thought people on this board usually hooked people up... like the PDGA brotherly thing to do... I know everything I have traded or sold has been way below e-bay value... and everyone who has traded or sold me anything has hooked it up also... just a thought man. :confused:

He is right. I had 2 2005 rocs a couple months ago and I sold them for 20 and 25 dollars(1 used and 1 new).

I don't try to rip people off. I try to sell them for a decent price. For example, if I had a brand new CE Valk, I would only try to sell it for $30 at the most(unless it was a blueberry)


Feb 18 2005, 03:49 PM

here is a list of disc for sale
21 2004 ce roc $50
2 2003 ce roc $65
10 11x avair $10
5 10x avair $12
13 10x roc $45
4 used ce valk $35
1 new ce valk $65 final opaque
looking for any jordan stamped disc
and 40 2005 ce roc $45

Is that quantities besides each disc? Good luck trying to sell your 2005 rocs for $45 each.

and 45 for a 10x Roc??? and 65 for an 03??? and 50 for an 04??? Are you even serious? You can get all of these off of E-Bay for almost half of those numbers! I thought people on this board usually hooked people up... like the PDGA brotherly thing to do... I know everything I have traded or sold has been way below e-bay value... and everyone who has traded or sold me anything has hooked it up also... just a thought man. :confused:

He is right. I had 2 2005 rocs a couple months ago and I sold them for 20 and 25 dollars(1 used and 1 new).

I don't try to rip people off. I try to sell them for a decent price. For example, if I had a brand new CE Valk, I would only try to sell it for $30 at the most(unless it was a blueberry)

<font color="red"> and then you'd sell it for $25, right :D</font>


Feb 18 2005, 03:57 PM

I think there is a big difference between a disc that is 5 years old and some that are 1 year old or even days like the 2005 rocks. A 5 year old Valk should be worth more than a new Valk.


Feb 18 2005, 04:06 PM

I think there is a big difference between a disc that is 5 years old and some that are 1 year old or even days like the 2005 rocks. A 5 year old Valk should be worth more than a new Valk.

That is also correct. But I still don't rip people off.

For example...if I had a new 2001 Roc, I would not sell it for more than $150 when they are going on ebay for $200.

Feb 18 2005, 04:13 PM

Thanks for that Roc man, at 25 bucks it was a steal, especially when people are trying to sell them for 45 bucks on the board, and I assume those are the couple days ago released ones, the one you sold me was a sweet clearish max weight 1 of 1000 one. I would hate to see what they would want for that one!

... and I did get an almost new 01 roc for 150 from someone on the boards when they're going for over 200 on E-Bay (last one I saw sold for 240 something).

Thanks to all the people who have hooked me up with discs at a fair price. :) ( I actually probably owe you one cheaTT for that Roc!) :D


Feb 18 2005, 04:19 PM

i will buy any 10x roc for $20 i will buy all the $30 ce valk you can get me saw a 2004 go off last night for $48 if dont want to buy them dont not really selling the 2005 ce rocs just put them on so get some of those 10x rocs fo $20 and valks for $30


Feb 18 2005, 04:20 PM

not ripping people off dont like price dont buy


Feb 18 2005, 06:06 PM

as an example of pdga brotherly deal-giving hook-em-ups--i have 3 cfr TLs---2 new heavy, 1 9/10 171. 30$ shipped

Feb 18 2005, 06:18 PM

I've got 11 10X rocs I will sell you for $45 dollars each :D

Feb 18 2005, 06:20 PM

lol :D


Feb 18 2005, 06:20 PM

I have an mint 10x Teebird Max weight that I'll trade for a mint CE Orc.

Feb 18 2005, 06:21 PM

They dont make CE Orcs... :confused:


Feb 18 2005, 06:27 PM

But for anyone has one, they know what I mean....

"Nightshift Orc"

Feb 18 2005, 06:27 PM

I've got 11 10X rocs I will sell you for $45 dollars each :D

...and I have at least 500 2005 Champion Rocs I'll let go of for $45 bucks, wait... I'll even go $40 on them!!!

Just send me a check or money order for $20,000 US (I'll take PayPal too!) and remember to include your address and I'll go call ZoneDriven... :D :o

You can sell them for your $45 and make $2500 off the deal!!! :)

...but thats nothing compared to the 7500 I'll make! :p

Seriously, get back to me on this... I'll even throw in UPS 3-Day Select for free!!! :D


Feb 18 2005, 06:45 PM

But for anyone has one, they know what I mean....

"Nightshift Orc"

Maybe everyone but me. What's a "Nightshift Orc"?


Feb 18 2005, 06:51 PM

does anyone have any night shift orcs for sale? also ce valks ( reasonably priced)? ce firebirds, show me some of that brotherly whatever you want to call it!!

Feb 18 2005, 06:53 PM

What the hell is a nightshift orc anyway?


Feb 18 2005, 07:31 PM

OK, don't everyone fall out of your chairs laughing. However, a little chuckling would certainly be appropriate (and expected).

Does anyone have any light weight Discraft Tracers? I'm looking for new ones, preferably in the range of 164g - 169g.

Feb 18 2005, 07:55 PM

Anybody have a max weight 10x Roc they are willing to sell or trade? Pm me with the price or what you are looking for.


Feb 18 2005, 10:45 PM

i have a 165 CE Firebird. I think it is a FX it is used and has sharpy markings on it....i will let it go for $20.00 w/ free shipping.

I am getting 2 CE valks brand new in 2 weeks one(174 and 175). I will let them go for $32 w/ free shipping for each one.


Feb 19 2005, 10:40 AM

A Nightshift ORC is a special blend of plastic that supposedly the night crew at innova came up with that closly resembles the old opaque CE stuff,very durable.And yeah, its got a Hemi!

Feb 19 2005, 11:32 AM

Steve, you still got that Fire Chicken ?

Feb 19 2005, 11:40 AM

You guys are killing me. I've bought and traded more disc in the last six months on this thread than I have in the last six years. Now there is a Nightshift Orc and I don't have one :(. Ive got lots to trade and some bling bling
in my pocket if anyone wants to set one free :D


Feb 19 2005, 12:35 PM


Feb 20 2005, 02:05 AM

alright... anyone got a lighter night shift orc they could part with? or a lighter clear evolution (preferably actually clear) Illusion? thanks!


Feb 20 2005, 08:24 PM

anyone want a black PDGA stamped storm? didnt think so...

put me on the list for a 160-169 "night shift orc"


Feb 20 2005, 08:27 PM

alright... anyone got a lighter night shift orc they could part with? or a lighter clear evolution (preferably actually clear) Illusion? thanks!

Not sure if Davids gotten them to run clear'd have to ask him on his thread.


Feb 20 2005, 08:40 PM

I have 2 (never thrown) "2004 USDGC ROC's" 1 w/ the stars stamp and 1 w/ the "Hole 5" stamp. 170g and 168g repectively. I would like to trade either one for a 2005 Tribal stamp ROC 168g or there abouts. Please e-mail me at:

Feb 20 2005, 10:33 PM

id take any lighter "CE" Illusion... do you have any Chris? I'd be glad to take one off of your hands... are you going to the Oksy tournament this weekend? I could grab it from you there if you are...


Feb 20 2005, 10:52 PM

id take any lighter "CE" Illusion... do you have any Chris? I'd be glad to take one off of your hands... are you going to the Oksy tournament this weekend? I could grab it from you there if you are...

I won't be in Osky...stupid work...

As far as Illusions go, they haven't been able to run clear yet...they have regular "E" Illusions though.

Also, a while back David ran some really light weight "S" Illusions that were clear as all hell. They were all like 130g-150g but were really grippy. They took abuse pretty well too for being so light. I threw one for a while until I forgot to pick it up on a mulligan and I found it the next day torn up from a lawn mower!

I'll try and see if I can get some cool new stuff to Osky for the OPC Open in March. I'll be there for sure, and Kid might be too.

Feb 20 2005, 10:54 PM

thats cool, if you get some cool [*****], especially illusions, i'll have to grab a few, but i could have sworn that dave ran some CE illusions as i thought he had one up on ebay, i just didn't buy it cause it was a heavy one, it was yellow CE though, i think

Feb 20 2005, 10:56 PM

so... where are these "night shift" orcs at? I would love to get my hands on a nice light one...

anyone??? I have cash... :D


Feb 20 2005, 10:58 PM

thats cool, if you get some cool [*****], especially illusions, i'll have to grab a few, but i could have sworn that dave ran some CE illusions as i thought he had one up on ebay, i just didn't buy it cause it was a heavy one, it was yellow CE though, i think

Pretty sure it was just regular "E". With the large triangular wing of the Illusion, I've been told its difficult to run them in Eurethyne and still be of legal weight. He is working with a molder who claims he can get them light enough, so we'll see. (I would love a "CE" Illusion or even a "CE" Demon...Demons huge rim also creates problems when molding in "CE" plastic BTW.)


Feb 21 2005, 01:17 PM

I would love to trade some 2005's for some 2004's

Looking for some 2004 CE Rocs, I need all 4 stamps + maybe the Glow too. Mainly looking for the Color Red and All Heavy 178 to 180 g , I also may be interested in a Graffitti Roc too from 2003

I would love to trade some 2005's for some 2004's

I have lots of 2005's for trade, They should be here today. Champion Pro line Beast
maybe I'll let some Night Shift Orcs Go
and lots of other, mainly newer stuff, Let me know what your looking for

Pm or Email is best [emailprotected] :D

Feb 21 2005, 02:19 PM

looking for pro line rhyno's white pm me if you got some please

Feb 21 2005, 07:53 PM

looking for pro line rhyno's white pm me if you got some please

need help


Feb 22 2005, 09:55 PM

Triple-ring san marino rocs for sale. all unthrown except for the IFO stamp and the PA flying disc championship stamps. taking offers. Ill post my double ring marinos tommorrow

Feb 22 2005, 10:19 PM

what exactly is the difference between triple ring san marinos and doubles?


Feb 22 2005, 10:20 PM

that one with the skull is heavy is it?

Feb 23 2005, 12:02 AM

Please Please, help me!! I am looking for a pro line beast!!!

Anybody got one for sale or trade???

Feb 23 2005, 12:14 AM

What do you got to trade? :D

PM me!


Feb 23 2005, 06:31 PM

ive got a used but in good shape pro (champion) beast


Feb 24 2005, 11:46 AM

looking for big bird rancho rocs, have lots of ching rocs and others for trade


Feb 24 2005, 03:20 PM

I am looking for light CE firebirds , 160ish new/used, have some new FX 172, 175s or cash also have a few gummy monsters (165) to trade.

Feb 24 2005, 04:42 PM

Heavy weight Unthrown Grateful Dude dimpled disc.

Orange with Bart Simpson looking thing on the front. Looks rare, and I have no info on it. Maybe it's not. :confused: PM for trades.

Feb 24 2005, 08:43 PM

SD 11112 but i'm not sure he's giving em up!!!

Feb 24 2005, 08:46 PM

I'm looking to trade a 180g. 04 CE Glo Roc for a couple (1 special blend, 1 regular) of max weight 05 CE rocs.

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